API Quick Reference

Big Picture

App Images, ... Scene Scene ... Sprite Entity World
App: Resource management and event loop.
Scene: Game state management and event handling.
World: Container where Entities are placed in.
Entity: In-game character.
Sprite: Graphical object to be shown.

Basic Classes

App (app.ts)

Every game has exactly one App object. It does the basic pluming and resource management (images and sounds); it has an event loop and connect the game with all the external parts (i.e. a browser). Typically, you don't have to change this class.

new App(
  width, height,
Creates a new app with given HTML5 resources.
.size Canvas size.
.framerate Frame rate.
.elem HTML element where a canvas is embedded.
.canvas The <canvas> element.
.ctx The CanvasRenderingContext2D object.
.audioContext The AudioContext object.
.images Set of available HTMLImageElement objects.
.sounds Set of available HTMLAudioElement objects.
.labels Set of available HTMLDivElement objects.
.scene Current Scene object that is running.
.active true if the game is not suspended.
.keys[] States of the current keys.
.keyDir State of the current 2D input (arrow keys).
.mousePos Current position of the mouse pointer.
.mouseButton Current state of the mouse button.
.init(scene) Initializes the game with the first Scene.
.start() Starts the game.
.stop() Stops the game.
.addElement(bounds) Adds a new <div> element to the canvas.
.removeElement(elem) Removes the element from the canvas.
.lockKeys(t=1) Blocks the keyboard input to prevent accidental input (in a scene transition).
  start=0, end=0)
Starts playing the music. When name is null, it stops music.
.playSound(name, start=0) Plays the specified sound.
.setScene(scene) Switches the game to the scene.
.post(msg) Queues a function that is to be executed at the end of the frame.

Scene (scene.ts)

A Scene is a mini-app or "mode" within the App. At each moment, exactly one Scene is responsible for all the user interaction. This is primarily what consists of a game logic. Euskit supports multiple Scenes, but it's possible to create an entire game with just one Scene. See Basic Player Control and Change Scene.

new Scene() Creates a new scene.
new HTMLScene(text) Creates a new scene with a static HTML text.
new GameScene() Creates a new scene with a World object.
.screen Canvas area Rect object.
.reset() Resets the scene to its initial state.
.changeScene(scene) Signals to switch a scene.
.render(ctx) Displays the scene.
.onStart() Invoked when the scene is started.
.onStop() Invoked when the scene is finished.
.onTick() Invoked for every frame.
.onDirChanged(v) Invoked when a directional input is changed.
.onButtonPressed(keySym) Invoked when the button state is pressed.
.onButtonReleased(keySym) Invoked when the button state is released.
.onKeyDown(keyCode) Invoked when a key is pressed.
.onKeyUp(keyCode) Invoked when a key is released.
.onKeyPress(charCode) Invoked when a character is typed.
.onMouseDown(p, button) Invoked when a mouse button is pressed.
.onMouseUp(p, button) Invoked when a mouse button is released.
.onMouseMove(p) Invoked when a mouse pointer is moved.
.onFocus() Invoked when the window is focused.
.onBlue() Invoked when the focus is lost.

World (scene.ts)

A World is a container of Entitys. The entities which belong here are rendered and their collision is detected. See Basic Player Control and Spawn Another Entity.

new World() Creates a new world.
.mouseDown Fired when a mouse is pressed on an Entity.
.mouseUp Fired when a mouse is released on an Entity.
.area Entire area where entities can move around.
.window Visible part of the world that is rendered.
.entities List of the Entitys that belong to this world.
.mouseFocus The Entity that has the mouse focus (null if none).
.mouseActive The Entity that is currently activated (null if none).
.add(entity) Adds an Entity to this world.
.remove(entity) Removes an Entity from this world.
.render(ctx) Renders every Entitys in the world.
.findEntityAt(p) Returns an Entity that overlaps with point p.
Moves the window to cover target, but not exceeding bounds.
.moveCenter(v) Moves the center of the window by v.
.moveAll(v) Moves all the sprites by v.
Returns a list of Entity colliders that overlaps with range (if given).
Applies the function to each Entity e that overlaps with collider (if given).
.onMouseDown(p, button) Invoked when a mouse button is pressed.
.onMouseUp(p, button) Invoked when a mouse button is released.
.onMouseMove(p) Invoked when a mouse pointer is moved.

Task (task.ts)

A Task is a base class of Entity.

new Task() Creates a new empty task.
new SoundTask(
Task that plays a sound.
.stopped Signal fired when the task stops.
.parent TaskList that the task belongs to.
.lifetime Duration that the task can run.
.startTime Time the task started.
.getTime() Elapsed time since the task has started (in seconds).
.isScheduled() True if the task is going to start.
.isRunning() True if the task is in running state.
.stop() Terminates the task.
Schedules another task to be started when this task stops.
.onStart() Invoked when the task is started.
.onStop() Invoked when the task is stopped.
.onTick() Invoked at every frame while the task is running.

Entity : Task (entity.ts)

An Entity is a main object for game characters. Each Entity is a Task and has a Collider and one or more Sprites. See Restrict Entity within Bounds and Spawn Another Entity.

new Entity(pos) Creates a new entity at a given position.
.pos Entity position.
.collider Rect/Circle for the entity's collider.
.sprites Sprites that belongs to this entity.
.order Order of the entity being rendered.
.rotation Rotation of the sprite (in radian).
.scale Vector for the scale of the sprite.
.alpha Alpha value of the sprite.
.isVisible() Returns true if the entity sprite is visible.
.render(ctx) Render the entity.
.getCollider() Returns the collider for the current position.
.onCollided(entity) Invoked when the entity collides another entity.
.getMove(v) Trims the vector v so that it satisfies the contraints.

Sprite (sprite.ts)

A Sprite is something to be displayed.

new RectSprite(color, dstRect) Sprite with a filled rectangle.
new OvalSprite(color, dstRect) Sprite with a filled oval.
new CanvasSprite(
  srcRect=null, dstRect=null)
Sprite that refers to a portion of <canvas> element.
new HTMLSprite(
  srcRect=null, dstRect=null)
Sprite that refers to a portion of <img> element.
new TiledSprite(
  sprite, bounds,
Sprite that is composed of another Sprite.
new StarSprite(
  bounds, nstars,
  maxdepth=3, sprites=null)
Sprite that can be used for "star flowing" effects.
.getBounds() Returns the bounds rectangle of the Sprite.
.render(ctx) Renders the image at (0, 0) in the given Context.

Specialized Objects

Particle : Entity (entity.ts)

A Particle is an Entity that keeps moving towards a specific direction.

new Particle(pos) Creates a new particle that keeps moving.
.movement Velocity of the object.
.getFrame() Returns the Rect where the entity is kept alive within.

PlatformerEntity : Entity (entity.ts)

An Entity that is affected by gravity.

new PlatformerEntity(
  physics, tilemap, fence, pos)
Creates a new entity that is affected by gravity.
.setJump(jumpend) Starts a jump maneuver that ends at t=jumpend.
.fall() Invoked for every update.
.isJumping() true if the entity is jumping.
.isLanded() true if the entity is landed on a platform.
.canJump() true if the entity can jump.
.canFall() true if the entity can fall.
.onJumped() Invoked when the entity starts jumping.
.onLanded() Invoked when the entity is landed.

GameScene : Scene (scene.ts)

A Scene that has a World and convenient methods.

new GameScene() Creates a new scene.
.add(entity) Adds an Entity to the world.
.remove(entity) Removes an Entity from the world.

Text Library

Font (text.ts)

A Font represents a monospace bitmap font.

new Font(
  color=null, scale=1)
Font with a given glyphs.
new InvertedFont(
  color=null, scale=1)
Inverted Font.
new ShadowFont(
  color=null, scale=1,
Font with shadow.
.width Width of each character.
.height Height of each character.
.background Background color (null for transparent).
.getSize(text) Computes the pixel size for a given text.
  ctx, text, x, y)
Draws the text at a given location.

TextBox : Sprite (text.ts)

A type of Sprite for a monospaced text. See Display Text.

new TextBox(
  frame, font=null)
TextBox with a given frame and font.
.frame Area of text displayed.
.font Default font.
.header Header string for each line.
.lineSpace Space between lines.
.padding Padding between text and frame.
.background Background color (null for transparency).
.borderColor Border color (null for no border).
.borderWidth Border width.
.getBounds() Returns the frame rectangle.
.getInnerBounds() Returns the area that the actual text is displayed.
.clear() Clears all the texts displayed.
  text, font=null)
Add a text segment at a given location.
  text, font=null)
Append a text.
.addNewline(font=null) Append a newline.
  halign='left', valign='top')
Layout the given lines.
Computes the pixel size for a given text.
  font=null, header=null)
Split the text into lines that can fit the textbox.
.render(ctx) Draws the text.

DialogBox : Entity (text.ts)

This is a rather complex class for showing text dialog or menu. See Typewriter Effect and Menu Selection.

new DialogBox(
  textbox, hiFont=null)
Create a new DialogBox with a given highlight font.
.addPause(duration) Schedule a pause during a dialog.
  text, speed=-1,
Schedule displaying text with a given speed, font and sound effect.
.addMenu() Schedule displaying a menu.
.addWait() Schedule waiting.
.ff() Fast-forward and show all the texts.
.clear() Clears all the texts and tasks.

BannerBox : Entity (text.ts)

An Entity for showing text banners. See Blinking Banner.

new BannerBox(
  frame, font,
TextBox with a given frame and font.
.interval Blinking interval (0: no blinking).
Layout the given lines.

TextParticle : BannerBox (text.ts)

A short-lived text particle.

new TextParticle(
  pos, font, text,
Creates a new text particle.
.movement Velocity of the object.

Animation Library


Animator : Task (animation.ts)

Blinker : Entity (animation.ts)

Tweener : Animator (animation.ts)

PolyTweener : Tweener (animation.ts)

PolyTweenerIn : PolyTweener (animation.ts)

PolyTweenerOut : PolyTweener (animation.ts)

PolyTweenerInOut : PolyTweener (animation.ts)

Pathfinding Library


PlanActor (pathfind.ts)

PlanAction (pathfind.ts)

PlanProfile (pathfind.ts)

PlanMap (pathfind.ts)

PlanActionRunner (pathfind.ts)

PlanningEntity (pathfind.ts)

Utility Classes

Signal (utils.ts)

A Signal represents an event that is attached to a certain object and other objects can get notified. See Signal Subscription/Firing.

new Signal(baseargs, ...) New Signal object with given baseargs.
.receivers List of the receiver functions.
.subscribe(receiver) Adds receiver to the subscriber list.
.unsubscribe(receiver) Removes receiver from the subscriber list.
.fire(extraargs, ...) Sends a message to all the subscribers. Each receiver function gets (baseargs + extraargs) for arguments.

Color (utils.ts)

A Color represents an RGBA value.

new Color(r, g, b, a=1.0) New Color object for RGBA values.
.r Red value.
.g Green value.
.b Blue value.
.a Alpha value.
.setAlpha(a) Creates a Color with a given alpha.
.multiply(t) Multiplies each component by t.
.blend(color, t) Blends with another Color with ratio t.
Color.generate(h, v=1.0) Creates a Color with a given hue.

Vec2 (geom.ts)

A Vec2 represents two-dimensional vector that has (x, y) elements.

new Vec2(x=0, y=0) New 2D vector (x, y).
.x X value.
.y Y value.
.copy() Duplicates the vector.
.equals(p) true if the vector is identical to p.
.isZero() true if the vector is zero length.
.len2() Length2 of the vector.
.len() Length of the vector.
.sign() (sign(x), sign(y)).
.add(v) (this + v).
.sub(v) (this - v).
.scale(n) (nthis).
.distance(p) |this - p|.
.clamp(bounds) (clamp(x), clamp(y)).
.move(dx, dy) (x+dx, y+dy).
.lerp(p, t) (this*(1-t) + p*t).
.rotate(d) Creates a rotated vector in radian (clockwise...0<d)
.rot90(d) Creates a rotated vector by 90 degrees (clockwise...0<d)
  dw, dh, anchor='c')
Creates a Rect with the point as an anchor.

Vec3 (geom.ts)

A Vec3 represents three-dimensional vector that has (x, y, z) elements.

new Vec3(x=0, y=0, z=0) New 3D vector (x, y, z).
.x X value.
.y Y value.
.z Z value.
.copy() Duplicates the vector.
.equals(p) true if p is identical.
.isZero() true if the vector is zero length.
.len2() Length2 of the vector.
.len() Length of the vector.
.sign() (sign(x), sign(y), sign(z)).
.add(v) (this + v).
.sub(v) (this - v).
.scale(n) (nthis).
.distance(p) |this - p|.
.clamp(bounds) (clamp(x), clamp(y), clamp(z)).
.move(dx, dy, dz) (x+dx, y+dy, z+dz).
.lerp(p, t) (this*(1-t) + p*t).

Collider (geom.ts)

A Collider is an abstract geometric object that can be used for hit detection.

.copy() Duplicates the collider.
.move(dx, dy) Creates a collider moved by (dx, dy).
.add(v) Creates a collider moved by v.
.sub(v) Creates a collider moved by -v.
.equals(collider) true if collider is identical.
.overlaps(collider) true if this collider overlaps collider.
.contact(v, collider) Trims a vector so that collider doesn't collide with this.
.getAABB() Returns the AABB of the collider.

Shape : Collider (geom.ts)

A Shape is an abstract object that has a clear boundary and represents an enclosed shape.

.isZero() true if the shape is empty.
.containsPt(p) true if the shape contains p.
.edgePt(t) Returns a point on the contour.
.rndPt() Returns a random point within the shape.
.rndPtEdge() Returns a random point on the edge.

Rect : Shape (geom.ts)

A Rect object is a 2D rectangle that has its position (x, y) and size (width, height).

new Rect(
  x=0, y=0,
  width=0, height=0)
New rectangle (x, y, width, height).
.x X value of the top-left corner.
.y Y value of the top-left corner.
.width Width of the rectangle.
.height Height of the rectangle.
.x1() X value of the right edge of the rectangle.
.y1() Y value of the bottom edge of the rectangle.
.cx() Center x of the rectangle.
.cy() Center y of the rectangle.
.center() Center point of the rectangle.
.topLeft() Top left corner of the rectangle.
.topRight() Top right corner of the rectangle.
.bottomLeft() Bottom left corner of the rectangle.
.bottomRight() Bottom right corner of the rectangle.
.anchor(anchor) Anchor point of the rectangle:
nw n ne w e sw s se
.edge(direction) Returns an edge of the rectangle.
n w e s
.inflate(dw, dh) Creates a inflated/deflated rectangle by (dw×2, dh×2):
dw dh dh dw
  dw, dh, anchor='c')
Creates an expanded rectangle by (dw, dh).
nw n ne w e sw s se
  w, h, anchor='c')
Creates a resized rectangle.
nw n ne w e sw s se
.xdistance(rect) X-distance to rect.
.ydistance(rect) Y-distance to rect.
.containsRect(rect) true if the rectangle contains rect.
.overlapsRect(rect) true if the rectangle overlaps rect.
.overlapsCircle(circle) true if the rectangle overlaps circle.
.union(rect) Combines two rectangles (union).
.intersection(rect) Combines two rectangles (intersection).
.clamp(bounds) Moves the rectangle so that it fits bounds.
.modPt(p) Creates a modulo point with the rectangle.
.contactRect(v, rect) Trims a vector so that rect doesn't collide with this.
.boundRect(v, rect) Trims a vector so that rect is restricted inside this.

Circle : Shape (geom.ts)

A Circle represents a circle that has its center and radius.

new Circle(center, radius=0) New circle with the given center and radius.
.center Center of the circle.
.radius Radius of the circle.
.inflate(dr) Creates a inflated/deflated circle by dr.
.resize(radius) Creates a resized circle.
.distance(p) Distance to point p.
.containsCircle(circle) true if the circle contains another circle.
.overlapsCircle(circle) true if the circle overlaps another circle.
.overlapsRect(rect) true if the circle overlaps rect.
.clamp(bounds) Moves the circle so that it fits bounds.
.contactCircle(v, circle) Trims a vector so that circle doesn't collide with this.

Box (geom.ts)

A Box is a 3D cuboid that has its position and size both as Vec3.

new Box(origin, size=null) New Box with (origin, size).
.origin Origin of the box.
.size Size of the box.
.copy() Duplicates the box.
.equals(box) true if box is identical.
.isZero() true if the box is empty.
.center() Center of the box.
.surface(vx, vy, vz) Returns the plane of the given surface.
.anchor(vx=0, vy=0, vz=0) Anchor point of the box.
.move(dx, dy, dz) Creates a box moved by (dx, dy, dz).
.add(v) Creates a box moved by v.
.sub(v) Creates a box moved by -v.
.inflate(dx, dy, dz) Creates a inflated/deflated box by (dx, dy, dz).
.xdistance(box) X-distance to box.
.ydistance(box) Y-distance to box.
.zdistance(box) Z-distance to box.
.union(box) Combines two boxes (union).
.intersection(box) Combines two boxes (intersection).
.clamp(bounds) Moves the box so that it fits bounds.
.rndPt() Creates a random point within the box.
.containsPt(p) true if the box contains p.
.overlapsBox(box) true if the box overlaps box.
.contactBox(v, box) Trims a vector so that box doesn't collide with this.
.union(box) Combines two boxes (union).
.intersection(box) Combines two boxses (intersection).
.clamp(bounds) Moves the box so that it fits bounds.

TileMap (tilemap.ts)

A TileMap represents a two-dimensional array that holds map tiles. See Create TileMap

new TileMap(
  tilesize, width, height,
New TileMap for a given size.
.tilesize Tile size.
.width Number of tiles that fit horizontally in the map.
.height Number of tiles that fit vertically in the map.
.bounds Bounds of the map in the actual size.
.map Int32Array[] for the map data. Optionally given at construction.
.get(x, y) Gets a tile at a specific position.
.set(x, y, c) Sets a tile at a specific position. (Clears the RangeMap cache.)
.fill(c, rect=null) Fills tiles in a given area.
.copy() Copies the tilemap.
.coord2map(rect) Converts an actual Rect/Vec2 to the tile cells.
.map2coord(rect) Converts a Rect/Vec2 for tile cells to the actual size.
  (x,y,c) => boolean,
Applies a function to tiles.
.shift(vx, vy, rect=null) Shift all the cells in the given area.
  (c) => boolean,
Returns the position of the first tile in the given area.
  (c) => boolean,
Returns the position of the first tile in the given area.
  (c) => boolean,
Returns a list of actual rectangles for tiles.
  (c) => boolean)
Creates a RangeMap object for this tilemap.
  ctx, ft,
  x0=0, y0=0, w=0, h=0)
Renders the tiles from bottom left for a given tile set.
  ctx, ft,
  x0=0, y0=0, w=0, h=0)
Renders the tiles from top right for a given tile set.
  ctx, window, ft)
Renders the tiles from bottom left within a window.
  ctx, window, ft)
Renders the tiles from top right within a window.

RangeMap (tilemap.ts)

A RangeMap is a partial copy of TileMap that allows range queries for specific tiles.
Note: This object is always returned by TileMap.getRangeMap() method and not explicitly created by a user.

.width Number of tiles that fit horizontally in the map.
.height Number of tiles that fit vertically in the map.
.get(x0, y0, x1, y1) Returns the number of specific tiles within the given area.
.exists(rect) true if a specific tile exists within the given area.

SpriteSheet (sprite.ts)

A set of Sprite objects indexed by a number.

new ImageSpriteSheet(image, size, [origin]) Creates a SpriteSheet from <img>.
new ArraySpriteSheet(sprites) Creates a SpriteSheet from an array of Sprites.
.get(i, [j, [w, [h, [origin]]]]) Returns the i,j-th Sprite.

PhysicsConfig (entity.ts)

new PhysicsConfig() Creates a new configuration.
.maxspeed Vector for the maximum speed (absolute values).
.jumpfunc Gravity function (vy, t) => number
.isObstacle Function (c) => boolean that returns true if the tile is an obstacle.
.isGrabbable Function (c) => boolean that returns true if the tile is grabbable (e.g. ladders).
.isStoppable Function (c) => boolean that returns true if the tile is stoppable.

TaskList (task.ts)

Manages a list of Tasks.

new ParallelTaskList() Tasklist that runs given tasks parallelly.
new SequentialTaskList() Tasklist that runs given tasks sequentially.
.onStart() Initializes the task list.
.onTick() Invoked at every frame. Update the current tasks.
.add(task) Adds a task to the list.
.remove(task) Removes a task from the list.
.stopWhenEmpty Set true to automatically kill the queue when there's no Task.


Main function (main.ts)

APP Global App instance.
addInitHook(() => {}) Has a hook executed after the page is loaded.
  ctor, width=320, height=240,
  canvasId='game', framerate=30)
Specifies the canvas size and the initial constructor of a Scene object. (without arg)

How to Use

  class Scene1 extends Scene { ... }
<body onload="main(Scene1, 'game', 320, 240, 30);">
<div id="main" style="width:640px; height:480px"></div>

Misc. functions (utils.ts)

log(msg, ...) Displays the messages to the console.
assert(cond, msg="assertion error") Throws an exception when the condition is not met.
applyMixins(ctor, bases) Configures a new class.
removeChildren(node, name) Removes all child HTML nodes.

Numeric functions (utils.ts)

fmod(x, y) Better mod function; i.e. fmod(-3,2)=1.
int(x) Equivalent to Math.floor.
upperbound(x, y) Limits a value to min(x, y).
lowerbound(x, y) Limits a value to max(x, y).
clamp(v0, v, v1) Limits a value within [v0, v1].
sign(v) Returns -1, 0 or +1 based on the sign of v.
phase(t, interval, n=2) Returns the phase for time t.
lerp(t, a, b) Returns the interpolation of t for [a, b].
frnd(a, b=0) Generates a value [0,a) or [a,b)
rnd(a, b=0) Generates an integer value [0,a) or [a,b)
getTime() Returns the current time in seconds.
format(v, n=3, c=' ') Formats a number as a string.
noise2d(x, y) Simplified Perlin Noise function.

Array functions (utils.ts)

choice(a) Returns a random element of a.
removeElement(a, obj) Removes an element from a.
range(n) Returns an array filled with a sequence [0, n-1].
str2array(img) Converts a string to a number array.
makeMatrix(rows, cols, value=0) Creates a 2D matrix for a given size.

Graphics functions (utils.ts)

createCanvas(width, height) Creates a <canvas> element.
getEdgeyContext(canvas) Creates a CanvasRenderingContext2D.
image2array(img) Converts an image to an 2D array.
fillRect(ctx, rect) Fills a rectangle.
strokeRect(ctx, rect) Draws a rectangle.
ellipse(ctx, cx, cy, rx, ry) Draws an ellipse at (cx, cy).
  ctx, img,
  sx, sy, sw, sh,
  dx, dy, dw, dh)
Draws a flipped image.
getKeySym(keycode) Returns the KeySym for keyCode.